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Asked Questions
We're here to help!
What is Old Fashioned
Home Delivery?
Old Fashioned Home Delivery, is our 15 week delivery service.
We harvest in the morning
and deliver to you in the afternoon.
We grow a wide variety of produce and limit repeat items.
Is Old Fashioned Home Delivery a CSA?
Yes, CSA simply means Community Supported Agriculture & the concept is simple. members buy a “share’ of the farm, in advance of the season, creating working capital for the farmer. This helps us get the season started and have a guaranteed market for our products. Also, as a result, you become an integral part of our farm family and the local food shed.
What sizes and options do you offer?
We have three sizes:
Classic, Petite and Mini
We offer egg add on and delivery to your door or farm pickup.
Our full season is 15 weeks and begins in mid April.
The Classic has 8-10 items, the Petite 6-8 and the Mini 4-6.
What if I will be out of town during the delivery season?
There are several options:
*Gift your neighbors a delivery
*We will donate your box
*Let us know in advance and we can work out a Farmer's Market credit or refund for the week you will not be in town
What are the start and end dates?
Our hope is to start in Mid April but Mother Nature may have other plans. We will keep you updated and have a start date and delivery day set by the first of week of April.
What are your growing practices?
On our farm we use many techniques to ensure that we produce a healthy product and run a sustainable operation.
We use the least possible input. We are not organic but rely on predator pest, organic approved sprays and other safe methods. If necessary, we do use synthetic pesticides. We are a open book and hope you will ask questions to get the full picture of our practices.
Are your hens free range?
Yes and No
Our hens live in a large converted dairy barn that is open air. They are free to run, fly and hang out with their friends. We feed them vegetables, fruits and a balanced grain diet.
They do not roam around the farm for two reasons; the large coyote population that loves to eat them and it is not legal under food safety regulations.
What type of payments do you accept?
cash, checks, cards & PayPal
When you select the option best for your needs, you will have the option to pay online or mail a check. We are also glad to arrange payment pickup
What if there are veggies I
don't recognize?
Each Sunday, we send an email newsletter that includes photos, descriptions, recipes, storage tips and much more.
What if I can' t eat a certain vegetable?
If you have a food allergy PLEASE inform us on your registration.
If you have a food that you dislike, we always encourage you to give it a try fresh from the garden! We will also do our best to leave out an item if requested.
What if I need extra items?
We hope our crops are plentiful and produce enough to purchase extra. Please contact us to ask!
What is your retention rate for Old Fashioned Home Delivery?
Over 10 years we have grown from 32 participants to around 200. We typically retain about 80% of our members. We consider those who participate part of our farm family and strive for the best quality
and customer serice.
How do I know if my address is on the delivery route?
If your delivery zip code is not on the confirmed list, please complete the Delivery Request form.
You can also always contact us
to ask any questions.
Can I cancel once the season begins?
We certainly hope this doesn't happen but if the need arises, cancellation is possible.
Customer service is very important to us and we want to be sure our farm family is happy!
Can I buy vegetables from your farm if I don't participated in the delivery?
Yes! We are at the Salisbury and Davidson Farmer's Markets and we will offer on farm sells in the summer.
Is Old Fashioned Hom Delivery right for me?
We hope so! But it also might not be. It is a commitment so it is worth thinking about it. Our delivery service is a good fit for those who want to cook and eat fresh vegetables and eggs. Delivery participants value being connected to the farm and supporting local farmers. If you're not a vegetable eater or only want a few types of vegetables, you're probably better shopping with us at the Farmer’s Market or at the farm.